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Merced School Employees Federal Credit Union Homepage

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Merced School Employees Federal Credit Union
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At MSEFCU, we like Savings…a lot. 

So, we offer many different ways for you to save your money.  Choose one or choose them all! 

Regular Savings

This is your ticket into the Credit Union.  With a Regular Savings, you get MSEFCU membership and all the perks that go with it. 

Special Savings

If you have something special you’re saving up for, like a wedding or college, this account will keep the funds separate from your regular savings while earning the same great rates.

Christmas Club

Take some of the stress out of the holidays and give your credit card a break this year by saving up for your Christmas shopping all year long. We’ll automatically transfer the funds into your checking account in October, just in time to score some deals before the holiday mark-ups.

Summer Savings

We had our 10-month school employees in mind with this account, but it can be used for any purpose. Put a little aside every month, and we’ll automatically transfer it into your checking in July. Hello, summer spending!

Redi-Cash Accounts

If you’re looking to earn a little more interest, but you’re not ready for a long-term commitment, Redi-Cash could be the way to go.  With a minimum balance of $1000 to earn higher dividends, Redi-Cash gives you the flexibility to withdraw your funds at any time.  We’ll even waive the small fee if you transfer the funds online or through our automated telephone system.

Term Savings Accounts

If you’re not the type to get cold feet, Term Savings can give you a higher return on your investment.  With a $2000 minimum balance, we offer Term Savings Account periods from 3 months through 2 years.


Smart Start Youth Account

Teach the children in your life to be savvy savers with their own savings account.  With the Smart Start program, children 10 and under won’t just get an interest earning account, they’ll also get a FREE piggy bank, FREE access to the coin sorter, and M3 Money Club – an educational website for kids! If they’re going to take on the world someday, they’ll need the funds to do it.  

Dollars & Cents Young Adult Account

When your future leader is ready for a checking account, our Dollars & Cents program can help them make sense of money management.  For members 11-16, this program comes with everything the Smart Start Program does PLUS a checking account with ATM card, online banking, Mobile Money app and Elements of Money – an educational website just for teens.

Silver Saver Accounts

Maturity has its advantages: wisdom, respect, experience and Silver Saver perks!   We like to give a little something extra to our members 55 and over.  Silver Savers get FREE checks*, FREE Money Orders*, FREE Notary Service*, FREE copies*, FREE access to the coin sorter machine and more! 


We're Here For You!

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Are you almost ready for retirement? Or maybe you're trying to get a jump start on your future retirement. Let us help!
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It’s never too early to start teaching your kids how to manage their finances. So, let’s get them started today!
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Simplify your access to your money with a checking account. Let us help you find the right account that fits your spending needs!